Tankeslottet; en antologi



«Tankeslottet» en dikt antologi krydret med flere forfattere med garanti om å røre ved din sjel og stemning i ditt hjerte.
Tusen takk til @rebeccablix.forfatter.skribent og @rebecca_blix_forlag du er helt herlig og jeg er så takknemlig for denne muligheten, og tusen takk til kunstner @jarlgoliartworks for å ha illustrert dette nydelige bokomslaget, jeg digger deg og din kunst.
Rebecca og Jarl bidrar med sine dikt også i «Tankeslottet»
Gleder meg til å få denne hjem.

-Lillian Haugland aka Orkidedatter

My poetry collection 2

Note; my name, is Lillian Haugland.
The Rescue; from the eyes of a bleeding child

The artist at my publisher #nextchapterpub has captured the essence in this cover and I’m beyond grateful, thank you so much.
…..book description….

From the soul, heart, mind, body and spirit of Orkidedatter, The Rescue – from the eyes of a bleeding child –
is a collection of dark poetry inspired by the author’s childhood.

The author’s crossing points of the physical, psychological and the imagination are anchored inside this book. Mental health is close to Orkidedatter’s heart, and writing has been one of her methods for overcoming her demons during the darkest moments in her life.

To communicate that you are not alone in fighting bad memories is the soulful purpose of this collection of poems. Do not be afraid to face your worst fears, dive into your mind, and face what you are experiencing with an open heart. It’s not easy, but take a deep breath, breathe and listen to your body. You can be surprised by how strong you are.

Read with your eyes, listen with your heart and feel with your mind, and join in on a therapeutic rise from the fire in the abyss, to have a will to live a life with your head over the surface. Become the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Together with my publisher, after a lot of conversations, I said yes to use my real name as an author name this time, because this is a poetry collection based on my life, my childhood and it’s close to my heart, but, I’m still Orkidedatter as an artist.
….I looked into the mirror and what did I see…

—— a poetry collection based on a true story
the author’s own story______

I hope you will like my poetry book❤️

Thank you so much



Coming soon

Dark poetry collection

My poetry collection volume 2
coming soon.
A collection of dark poems based on a true story.

Scars from a sharpened knife…
-a little girl once
tried to create
a better sculpture of
herself at age 9…
you can rarely see her left side of her face…


I’m only me


She is sensual, sexual and passionate
a warrior
a Viking Princess
a northern light
a dark soul
a survivor
a Nordic woman
untamed beauty and a bold heart
artistic soul
a mother
a story keeper
a mysterious wilderness

the one who carry my ancients within the marrow of my bones
the one who have bathed in my own blood
the one who wear my scars like stars with proud and beauty.

I’m a vision and a dream
I’m a nightmare on the holy altar
I’m an ice maiden from a rebirth of
Hell and back.

I’m tender, fragile and only me
with all my flaws.
I’m a flame over a crystalline bridge between death and our world.

I’m a seed from cosmos and a
daughter of a courageous man of the woods, a woman of a force of nature.

I’m vulnerable and transparency,
but I’m a heart of acceptance and authenticity of my life…
I’m me and only me…


Happy Friday


Happy Friday everyone, make you a great day, because you are worth it❤️


Cherished memories of what could be…

Art: my own, orkidedatter

.. Cherished memories of what could be..

Scent of desire aroused his
mating season.
New Year is the time when all wolves
go wild with their insatiable hunger,
and me as a weak shattered she wolf
is the only thing he
can’t have,
can’t touch,
can’t lose control by tasting her
salty skin…
can’t meet her primal urges,
can’t hear her mouths moaning,
can’t pull her upon a pine to make him
came more alive..

He wished for to chase her,
close her darkness,
lick her wetness with his long
blue tongue,
and plunge into a swollen lust-filled riverbank
with shivering
diamond pearls bubling over of
relief down his bulged carnal desire…

…and she was only his imagination…




A winter rose


-A winter rose-

A winter rose played
with your cord, unraveled strings…
Death is a bizarre soul,
I just had to understand,
a steam fills my mind while
you are stabbing me with Arctic icicles…
I’m dark, haunted and bleeding
my own blood for the silence
you cutted me with so deeply.

