A country girl’s New Year

Art artist poetry orkudedatter Norway poem New Year forfatter author norwegian author dark soul dark soul poetry Norway Art: my own @orkidedatter

New Year and my skeleton rattle of

memories of withered days

lies like an evil smoke in the air

headlines from the miserable color-spattering

paint strokes in the dark

I throw away an old treasure map from my

ruined soul on the ocean

a cold winter night that casts a veil over me of

ice crystals

I howl against the moon and

wave to nature’s queen between the stars

a dark room in my heart with fear of another

new and strange year

the old I wipe out from the canvas of life

a collection of thoughts from my dead eyes and

my scars of madness in my wounds of running

from the unknown

You spoke to me in poetry

tangle me in your rhyme

you danced with me in my darkness of sorrow

and wake me up inside

my broken heart heal

and this year you can’t burn someone who is

made of fire…

I reach for your hand

I inhale your memory because when I exhale

your ghost beneath the lilac skies and where

the cold winds blows as they strip you away…

it is time to watch what happens when bravery

lights the way

unlike storms left undspoken

-I have stared into the abyss

and it has stared back into me

I have lived there-in hell…

I will rewrite the ending to start over on the


Welcome 2020


27 kommentarer om “A country girl’s New Year

    1. You made my day dear Robbie🐺heartfelt appreciation, thank you so much❤️
      I hope you are well and make you a great day and new year (I don’t know what time it is in Australia, but in Norway they always send on television fireworks from Sydney before we do it)…
      Take care and I looking forward to follow you in 2020.
      Much love 🐺♥️🐺

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      1. Thank you so much dear Lily it is 10pm here now and only 2 hours to go thank you for all of your kindness I look forward to talking again in the new year take care and much love.🐺❤️🐺

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  1. SMiLes Dear Lillian Orchard Daughter Writing
    Our Way Out of Darkness Connecting Emotions
    DarK Thru Light With Words Aiming LiGHTeR Than
    DarK Journeying Stairs in-deed Above the BLacK oF
    DarK Abyss WHere Herstory.. History.. is Re-Arranged
    As «Whitman» Sings «every atom as belonging to me as
    good belongs to You» as this Includes Every DarK Atom
    Subatomic Particle LiGHTiNG Up Colors of LoVE Higher
    in Hope out of Fear And Misery Despair out of Dungeons
    of ‘Fore that
    Green In Flowers
    CoLoRinG EYes Sunshine
    Now Within.. WArMinG The SPiRiT
    The HeART As Soul Breathes now
    Ease to Please All with Even more
    Colors of Sunshine Bright to Dance And
    Sing Free.. SMiLes my FRiEnD A Lamp
    Will Not Hide Its Colors oF LiGHT Nor Will
    A Little Light Destined to become Colors of
    A Christmas Tree Fail to Color More.. True The
    Meek Inherit the EartH When Avenues oF LiGHT
    GRoW Real Water Wave Ocean Whole We Are All
    in this Play of LoVE ToGeTHeR DarK Thru LiGHT NoW
    As Even More Colors of 2020 come in 20/20 Balance For
    Grace Foundation of Vision’s LiGHT Even More Will And
    Strength Courage And Kindness.. Yes.. Wisdom of Love to You Dear
    FRiEnD Happiest New Year to You and Yes Your Entire Family and
    FRiEnDS May All of You Hold Warmest Hands And Hugs Always
    Now Lifting
    Each Other
    Out of DarK
    into LIGHT’s
    Balance LiViNG
    Tree Love CoLoRinG
    Life as Only This Bliss
    of BLeSSinG Surely Can
    And Will Dance And Sing
    ToGeTHeR Free AGaiN For
    All To FeeL And Sense LoVE AGaiN..:)

    Likt av 1 person

  2. Happy New Year to you Lillian! I pray it will be filled with many blessings and much beauty for you!! A wonderful poem showing the old and the new. The new comes and the old goes. Wonderfully captured in your words Lillian. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!😁😸⛄🌲

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      1. Thank you so much Lillian! I am starting to feel better, the muscle has basically healed though some complications have come up but hopefully everything will be fine over time and I should be walking again normally in 4 to 6 weeks.
        Enjoy your weekend Lillian!😃😺😻⛄

        Likt av 1 person

  3. Lots of beautiful metaphors here. I love all, especially these lines:

    «I throw away an old treasure map from my

    ruined soul on the ocean»

    Such a lovely way to express the need of a restart, life as a sea adventure, an introspective journey to the human soul. This is a myth along literature, where the introspective journey quite often also implies a geographical one, from the ancient Greeks like Homer with the Odyssey.

    I also love the power and beauty of these lines:

    «I howl against the moon and

    wave to nature’s queen between the stars

    a dark room in my heart with fear of another

    new and strange year

    the old I wipe out from the canvas of life»

    The last verse has special strength, so pictorial.

    And this is also very beautiful and sensual:

    «I inhale your memory..» and the idea of exhaling your ghost… wow!

    Great artwork and poetry, Lillian! ❤❤

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