A brush stroke

(English text after Norwegian text…)

En bit av meg mental health psykisk helse bli frisk igjen Norwegian art Norwegian blogger blogger livsmestring male maling colour Norwegian blogger et penselstrøk orkidedatterart

Et penselstrøk

For hver gang hun tar penselen opp og ser på fargene som ligger foran henne, vil hennes hjerte synge en glad sang.

Når hun bestemmer seg for hvilken farge hun skal ha på sitt penselstrøk vil hennes sjel juble.

I det hun lar pensel og maling bli ett, skriker hennes følelser av smerte, og det ene penselstrøket minner henne på hva som var.

Hun kan ha lyse og glade farger, men allikevel kastes det en skygge over dem.

Hun kan velge triste og mørke farger og allikevel kastes en skygge over dem så de blir enda mørkere.

Hun kan bruke penselen fort med bestemte strøk. Eller bruke penselen forsiktig med lette bevegelser.

For hvert penselstrøk er det en følelse.

Jo mer hun maler, jo mer kommer «hun» frem i fargenes spill. Hennes innerste speiler seg i hva som males foran henne.

Hun trekker pusten skjelvende og holder opp det hun maler foran seg. I et lite øyeblikk, et glimt av spøkelsene og et lite glimt av smerte, kan hun se noe forandrer seg.

Hun henger opp det hun har malt opp på veggen. Tar noen steg tilbake og med beundring i blikket hun ser skyggene blir mindre og fargene kommer klarere frem.

Kan hun mestre å gi slipp.

Kan hun farge over det som var med nye farger.

Kan mørke bli lyst igjen.

Hvilke farger vil hun male på sine skjøre vinger som skal lære seg å fly?

Hun tørker bort noen tårer, tårer som faller fra dypet i hennes hjerte og som hun dekker sin sjel med…



A brush stroke

For every time she picks up the brush and looks at the colors in front of her, her heart will sing a happy song.

When she decides what color she should wear on her coat, her soul will rejoice.

As she lets brush and paint become one, her feelings of pain scream, and one brush stroke reminds her of what was.

She can have bright and happy colors, but still a shadow is thrown over them.

She can choose sad and dark colors and yet a shadow is thrown over them so they become even darker.

She can use the brush quickly with specific coats. Or use the brush gently with light movements.

For each brush stroke there is a feeling.

The more she paints, the more «she» appears in the games of color. Her innermost is reflected in what is painted in front of her.

She shakes her breath trembling and holds up what she paints in front of her. In a moment, a glimpse of the ghosts and a little glimpse of pain, she can see something changing.

She hangs up what she has painted on the wall. Take a few steps back and with admiration in the eye she sees the shadows getting smaller and the colors became clearer.

Can she master to let go…

Can she color over what was with new colors…

Can darkness brighten again…

What colors will she paint on her fragile wings that will learn to fly?

She wipes away some tears, tears falling from the depths of her heart and covering her soul with …


24 kommentarer om “A brush stroke

    1. All I need to know it’s my word touch your heart🐺Because it’s mean more to me than you can imagine that my words speak to you that way. Thank you so much🦋 You make me proud, humbled and touched🌹❤️
      You are a flash of light for me and many others out there, thanks for your being you🐺
      I hope you enjoy your day🐺🦋

      Likt av 1 person

      1. Thank you so much Lillian I think the same of you you too are a true beacon of light and you make so many feel so good there is so much beauty in your words you should be very proud of that you light my heart and soul I hope you have a beautiful day.🐺❤️🦋🌹

        Likt av 1 person

      2. I must apologize for the late reply. But what should I say .. Your feedback gives me goose bumps, it’s like a whole symphony orchestra in my soul. At least you enchant me with your words and I can’t wait for your poetry collection soon. But it may be difficult to know if I can buy it in Norway … Anyway, thank you for sharing this blog, I do not want to lose a poem by you🐺 For me, you are a talent above what I thought I could read, and I can read your words again and again, thank you🐺❤️🦋🌹
        Enjoy your day🦋


    1. It fills my heart with so much joy that my words touch you the way they do🦋and you really touch my soul with your kindly words about my painting. Thank you so much for your support, I am grateful, and it’s means more to me than you can imagine🦋
      I hope you enjoy your day.

      Likt av 1 person

  1. Ja, kan man farge over gamle strøk.. Jeg elsker å male over gamle malerier og jeg elsker å reise meg opp i livet tror jeg. Å herregud, er det derfor jeg velger de vanskelige veie tro 🙈💓
    Vakkert, som alltid 💋

    Likt av 1 person

    1. Waking up to the finest words from the most beautiful souls is like flowering in my heart. Thank you so much❤️ I can really feel your words far into my heart where I hide them forever🦋
      I hope you have a lovely day🦋


  2. You are able to put such life into your words Orchid! It makes it so easy to paint the picture in my mind so that i can see all that you are saying. Thanks for sharing this, hope your day is going well and that you will have a wonderful weekend!😃


      1. Oh thank you so very much for the rose Orchid, you have helped to make a hard day much brighter!🌞 Muffin is sleeping, she is like me, she didn’t like to see all the new snow either!😸 Enjoy your day!😃

        Likt av 1 person

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