
Livsmestring psykisk helse meditasjon orkidedatterart  norwegian blogger

Under meditasjon har jeg lært meg aksept. Å lære det som er- når det er.

Det har tatt meg tid, men for meg er det en nøkkel til å godta meg og mine tanker og følelser.

Trene på å være bevisst oppmerksom. Trene mine sanser og tankemønstre.

Jeg tror det er flere som kjører oss fast i et tankemønster og dette blir en vond spiral. Jeg har det, men nå går det bedre.

Dette er ikke bare å skru av en knapp, fordi jeg har ingen slik knapp på min kropp.

Jeg øver på å ha kontakt med meg selv, og ikke sitte å se på lenger i mitt eget liv. Med dette mener jeg at det er bare jeg som kan endre hvordan jeg vil ha det. Med hjelp av ulike metoder mestrer jeg dette.

Jeg hadde bare ønsket at jeg kunne dette for lenge siden.

Meditasjon var et ord jeg bare hadde hørt og det samme var det med mindfulness.

Når jeg begynte for noen år siden å bli nysgjerrig på dette og få føle dette på min egen kropp, forstod jeg verdien av det.

Å være oppmerksom på det som skjer inni meg selv, observere mine tanker og følelser.





During meditation I have learned acceptance. To learn what is when it is.

It has taken me time, but for me it’s a key to accepting me and my thoughts and feelings.

Exercise to be consciously aware. Exercise my senses and thought patterns.

I think there are several who drive us into a thought pattern and this becomes a bad spiral. I got it, but now it’s better.

This is not just turning off a button because I have no such button on my body.

I practice to have contact with myself and not to look any further in my own life. By this I mean that it is only me who can chang…

I had just wished I could do this long ago.

Meditation was a word I had only heard, and so was mindfulness.

When I began to be curious about this a few years ago and feel this on my own body, I understood the value of it.

To be aware of what is happening inside myself, observe my thoughts and feelings.



19 kommentarer om “Meditation

    1. Wow, in Norwegian language🦋 thank you so much, and thank you for your support.
      I get the feeling that the words come straight from your heart. I appreciate your time to read and coment.
      I hope you have a lovely day🦋

      Likt av 1 person

  1. Lillian, your painting …. how I stared at it, examined it, for the longest time. Fascinating. And it just tugged at my Heart, my Inner Being. Meditation, is for me the very same. The only way I can meditate these days is alone in a forest with my camera, or alone in my gardens. I call it my Moving Meditation. I have too much going on in my house for me to even let go and really relax. When I am with my camera or in my gardens, I go within and merge with All That Is. This is where many times I gain understanding of myself so that I can change. Beautiful beautiful post, dear friend. I LOVE coming here to your blog. Bless you for being a part of my life. I so appreciate you! Much Love!! 🦋🦋🦋🌈🌈🌈🌟🌟🌟💝💝💝

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    1. As you really touch my inner heart and my soul. I couldn’t keep my eyes dry. I do not know how to thank you enough, but from my whole heart I am just as fortunate to visit your world, your words and your pictures.
      You and I are a bit like when it comes to meditation. I use a lot of nature too, and I really liked the name you gave it.
      It is very good for me to get out and away from the house and stay in one with what nature offers. I also take pictures but show little on the blog of it. Maybe I’ll do it one day.
      How you describe my perception of my art and how it affects you is as my dream comes true. I try to write and paint and draw my feelings, thoughts and words. A whole for me in my expression and there is also therapy for me.
      I am so grateful and I can’t say enough how much I appreciate your support.
      Thank you❤️and bless you❤️
      Much love and faith🦋
      🌈🌹big hugs💜

      Likt av 1 person

      1. The way you express your thoughts always and I mean always touches my Soul. For so many years I seemed to have walked alone in the way I feel and see and know things. Lately I am meeting the most incredible people who radiate on the same frequency wave as I, and I am just OH so grateful that you are one of them! You as an artist evokes such emotion in me and your art makes me think and then apply what I see to my life. You are Gifted and so so full of gentleness and Love that every time our paths meet, I am moved. Bless you for being you. Do not ever change even if this world screams at you to do so. BIG (((HUGS))) and MUCH LOVE!! 💞🌹💝🌈🦋🦋🦋😘

        Likt av 1 person

      2. Good morning, and what a amazing feedback. I am both humbled and touched❤️You know it fills my heart with so much joy that my words touch you the way it does🦋I appreciate you expressing to me this way, because I am not alone in feeling that way. I especially noticed the word «frequency wave» that I just loved.
        With this feedback it is so worth it to keep up with what I do. It’s meaningful to me and makes even more sense to me of your feedback. I think I can feel you understand how much this means to me🦋 Thank you so much of how my art and words speak to you❤️
        From my deep soul and inner heart, thank you❤️I think our soul dance together🦋🌈 🌹
        I take your words and hide them in my heart. Much love and blessing🌹
        Hugs from Lillian🦋

        Likt av 1 person

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