Under the surface

(English text after the Norwegian text)

Under the surface Norwegian nature Norwegian poem prosaist Norwegian blogger Norwegian blood

Jeg føler i hele min kropp at den ikke har det bra. Jeg tenker på hva jeg kan gjøre for å få den bedre.

Jeg setter meg ned og lytter.

Jeg vender oppmerksomheten innover i meg.

Hva har jeg behov for akkurat nå.

Alle disse følelsene.

Alle disse kroppslige symptomene.

Tankekjøret i hodet mitt.

Jeg tar en tur ut i naturen.

Jeg setter meg ned og mine øyne blir dratt imot vannskorpa, og jeg lurer på hva som skjuler seg under der.

Jeg sammenligner meg selv med under overflaten.

Jeg har også speilbilde, likt som skogen speiler seg i vannet.

Jeg er både mørk og dyp, og ingen vet hva som ligger på dypet innerst i min sjel.

Jeg ser isen smelter, og en dråpe triller ned i vannet. Lager ringer som utvider seg og forsvinner i evigheten.

En dråpe er lik en tåre med to ulike betydninger. Mine tårer smaker av salt. Naturens tårer smaker av det reneste lys.

Ringene i vannet tolker jeg som når jeg skjelver av alt for mange følelser i mitt hjerte. Bare mine ringer fortsetter og fortsetter, de forsvinner ikke, ikke ennå.

Jeg kan sitte slik i naturen i skogen ved vannet lenge.

Jeg puster med magen og finner roen etter å ha sortert tanker og følelser.

Fyller hele meg med naturens egen energi og er takknemlig.

Skogen er stille idag, men et lite vindpust stryker meg på kinnet akkurat når jeg skal gå.

Jeg snur meg, ser nærmere inn i skogen… ned i vannet… jeg kan se meg selv der nede.

Langt der nede.

Jeg ser to av meg, og de slåss med hverandre.

Hvem vinner denne kampen?

Det er akkurat det jeg skal finne ut.



Under the surface…

I can feel in my body that it not doing well.

I think about what I can do to get it better.

I sit down and listen. I turn my attention inward.

What do I need right now.

All these feelings.

All these bodily symptoms.

Thought in my head.

I take a trip out into nature.

I sit down and my eyes are dragged against the water crust, and I wonder what is hiding under the surface,  in the deep dark water.

I compare myself to below the surface.

I also have a mirror image, just as the forest is reflected in the water.

I am both dark and deep, and no one knows what inside deep in my soul.

I see the ice melt, and a drop rolls into the water.

Layer rings that expand and disappear in eternity.

One drop is similar to a tear with two different meanings.

My tears taste like salt. Nature’s tears taste of the purest light.

The rings in the water I interpret as when I tremble with too many feelings in my heart.

Only my rings continue and continue, they do not disappear, not yet.

I can sit in the nature in the woods by the water for a long time.

I take a deep breathe and find calmness after sorting thoughts and feelings.

Fills me with nature’s own energy and I am grateful.

The forest is quiet today, but a little gust of wind strokes me on the cheek just when I am going.

I turn around, look closer into the forest … down into the water …

I can see myself down there. Far down there.

I see two of me and they fight with each other.

Who will win this fight?

That’s exactly what I’m going to find out.





27 kommentarer om “Under the surface

  1. Lovely artwork and written work about our most inner feelings when we get in contact with nature and listen to our heartbeats. I like the image with the reflection of you in the water to express the inner fight where the mind and the heart often go different ways. It could also be the conscious and the subconscious, and also the two parts of us; according to Jung’s psychology the anima is the feminine part and the animus the masculine in all human beings. The water element of both picture and writing stands for our feelings and emotions in psychology. Lovely post, so well done!

    Likt av 1 person

    1. This was a great nice message to wake up to and I couldn’t describe it any better myself. Thank you so much for interpreting it this way, what insight you have and the way you describe me. You see my art and the way I write. It is so heart-warming and touching so I don’t know how to get enough thanks. A little speechless I am, because it means so much to me, and it says a lot about you too❤️ I am humble and grateful. Thank you. Nature is healing to me🦋
      The way you explaine it psychology- it warms my heart❤️
      I really appreciate your support❤️
      I wish you a nice day, here I live we have snowstorm…

      Likt av 1 person

      1. Always my pleasure, Orkidedatter (such a beautiful name like your soul). So glad you like my comments and interpretations. I just hate superficiality in life and love to go deeper into things. You too have a lovely day and keep posting your great art and writing! 🦋 ❤️

        Likt av 1 person

  2. Looking at the two female figures of your artwork I can see the adult, that is, the woman, and the girl, who could stand for the child in you, the child in all of us. Your artistic and literary work is introspective, very deep, beautiful and unique.

    Likt av 1 person

    1. I really appreciate that you see it and interpret it exactly as it is thought of me. I try to tell and interpret myself and what I write through my art is not always easy. Uses different ways of expressing myself, and I am so incredibly grateful and touched that you notice it❤️
      Thank you so very much❤️
      You touch my heart and soul🦋

      Likt av 1 person

  3. You have captured the comparison with the water very well, expressing your feelings in a remarkable way. Beautifully written! Have faith, you will come through okay. I always enjoyed going out into a nice country location when I needed to think about something, very peaceful place. Can’t do that anymore and I do miss it. Enjoy your day!

    Likt av 1 person

    1. It was a great nice message to wake up to in Norway’s snow storm where I live today. I am grateful that you notice my contact with nature and sense my feelings in what I write. I am humble and touched. I have faith and everything will be fine, a lot to write yet, maybe it never gets empty, but I find peace and
      nature, writing and art is healing for me. I’m sorry you can’t go out, it was very sad to read and I understand you miss it. Thank you so much for an honest and straight from heart comment.❤️
      Maybe it is night there you live, in Norwat it is morning, but I hope you make you a nice day and enjoy it🦋


      1. Thank you so much! It is morning now and we are expecting a snowstorm starting tonight but right now it’s nice. Even though I can’t get out to the country now it is nice here. There are lots of trees and birds and soon the chipmunks will be out again. I like to sit on my deck and the chipmunks come to me looking for peanuts. I find that time very relaxing. I hope you too will have a wonderful day!☺

        Likt av 1 person

    1. A very good question, and I try to get you a good answer : It is just like the Words are inside me, dancing in my heart and soul. knocing on the door and i let them out. My tears feels like emotions and Words. I try to put that into Words and try to understand myself, this way I can feel I cleanse my soul and I get better.
      Nature, Music, my art and others artist and writers and blogers are also my Source of inspirations.
      wow, this was not easy, but I hope you get an answer.

      Likt av 1 person

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